Thursday 1 December 2011


At Olga’s we have a new oven, it was named after the man who built it: “New Moses Siyanga Oven”. Moses is one of the members of Olga’s Staff, is a watchman. He worked under the supervision of Licia Gaia Sortino, the architect who is in charge of the new accommodation building, and the Chief Executive, Giuseppe. The construction of the oven took more or less one month, this was due to some materials which were imported within Zambia and some, like the fire bricks and the properly cement, from Italy. Shortly the oven has been lighten and be ready to use.
Abbiamo un nuovo forno ad Olga’s. E’ stato intitolato a Moses il guardiano di Olga’s che lo ha costruito sotto la supervisione di Licia Gaia Sortino, l’architetto venuto dall’Italia per supervisionare la direzione dei lavori per la nuova guest house e il capo progetto, Giuseppe: “New Moses Siyanga Oven”. Per la costruzione c’è voluto, più o meno, un mese perché si è dovuto attendere anche qualche materiale proveniente dall’Italia come i mattoni refrattari e la malta refrattaria. Piano piano adesso cominceremo ad accenderlo e presto sarà pronto per sfornare le ottime pizze di Gerard e Talent, i nostri pizza chefs!

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